Playa de la Malagueta – Malagueta Beach Playground

Playa de la Malagueta located in Malaga, Spain, is a beautiful urban beach with lots of playground equipment for kids of all ages. Starting at the iconic ‘Malagueta’ sign and extending south down the beach to the popular zipline. Kids of all ages can use the equipment and find a soft landing in the sand while grownups lounge on one of the many benches, on the grass, or in the sand.

Keira & Lauren Score

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“The best part of the playground is the zip line and playing in the sand with sand toys and at the sand table. Climbing up the spider climber is super high and a little scary.” – Keira and Lauren (ages 5 and 7 years old)

Playground Equipment

Playground equipment includes:

  • Zip line that is about 6 feet off the ground and kids under 6 years old might need help getting on
  • Climbing structures
  • Swings
  • Slides
  • Springy animals for small children to ride on
  • Big spider climber for big kids to climb about 20 feet high
  • Bridges
  • Sand table
  • Monkey bars

Nearby Amenities

There are a few seafood restaurants and bars right on the sand. Try the traditional Malaga favorite called espetos de sardinas, which is sardines on a skewer and cooked over coals. You’ll see them cooking in old dinghy boats that have been made into barbeques. There are many chiringuitos, or small bars, nearby where you can grab a cold drink and a snack and watch the kids play. Novelty ice cream pop up shops and an entire street of surf shops, restaurants, and other cool spots are right across the street. There are beach bathrooms and the restaurants also have bathrooms. You should be able to find parking nearby.


Appropriate AgeAll ages
Food and Drink NearbyYes
Monkey BarsYes
What Kids Love MostZip line, playing in the sand, going in the ocean, climbing, swinging, and making new friends.
Playa de la Malagueta – Malaga, Spain


malagueta sign
Malagueta sign – north side of playground
Malagueta playground zip line
spider climber playground equipment
Spider Climber
swing and slide
Swing and Slide
zip line
Zip Line
Slide and playground equipment
Slides and playground equipment
la malagueta playground equipment
More equipment
Chiringuito en malagueta
Espetos de sardinas


P.º Marítimo Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 29016

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